Title: Arcade1Up Pacmania Arcade Machine. For the first time ever in a BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Legacy home arcade game machine, you've got WiFi leaderboards!
With no subscription required, see how your high scores measure up to other retrogamers with this Arcade1Up BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. Bringing you authentic and yes, way nostalgic!
Arcade experiences in an easily assembled design, Arcade1Up game machines are must-haves for your family game room, fan cave, or a welcome distraction in the office. They play great, look great, and are instant conversation pieces. Originally founded under the name Nakamura Seisakusho in 1955, the company that would become BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Was initially in the coin-operated amusement ride business.
Entering the video game industry at the end of the'70s, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment's titles would quickly change the world of entertainment forever. WiFi Leaderboards for the first time in an Arcade1Up Legacy game machine.
Includes 14 classic BANDAI NAMCO games. Assembled Dimensions: 22.85" D x 19.75" W x 57.80 H. Box dimensions 48.0" H x 7.0" D x 24.0 W.